Following celebrity fashion has become a bit of a national obsession in recent years with numerous magazines dedicated to what the people we watch on TV, listen to or read about in magazines are wearing now cramming the shelves of newsagents. And whether we admit to it or not many of us will (if pushed) own up to secretly being interested in what famous people are wearing!
Wanting to emulate the style of celebrities is nothing new though. It all goes back to the golden age of film and in particular to around 1916 when the first costume designers were employed to work on the sets of films. Up until then many film stars had provided their own clothing!
Hard to believe now in the era of the celebrity stylist where film stars are styled to perfection to achieve the required image and the ones that get caught out dressed down on their days off wind up in ‘hall of shame’ type features in celeb magazines!
In the past people looked to film stars for inspiration copying the clothes hairstyles and make-up of silver screen sirens such as Veronica Lake, Rita Hayworth, Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe or Cary Grant, Marlon Brando and James Dean for the men.
Of course these days it’s not just film actors and actresses who are considered to be celebrities. ‘Celebrity’ today encompasses a wide range of people from classic film actors and actresses through to soap stars and all the way over to people who’ve made a name for them on the ever growing number of reality TV shows.
Like it or not the cult of celebrity doesn’t seem to be going away and finding celebrity inspired clothing or even the exact item your favourite celebrity is wearing has never been easier. Many celebs no longer wear their wealth on their sleeves by consistently appearing in designer labels with designer price tags but shop high street and internet like the rest of us!
For a great range of clothing that several A-List celebs have been spotted in try TruffleShuffle. Their website also features a gallery of the stars seen wearing their tees. You can also find similar over at Attitude Clothing (particularly for the guys) or EBTM.
Happy shopping! From all of us at The Big Fashion Bible.
1 comment:
I'm not sure how I found your blog. With the internet and all the connections it offers, sometimes I end up bewildered, but in a good place, which is what happened today. I've been looking for help in getting the word out about Quiet Hero, a compassionate clothing company that wraps its customers in a blend of bamboo and organic cotton shirts adorned with designs unlike anything you've seen.
Our bamboo and organic cotton shirts are sustainable, feel like a mix of cashmere and silk, have an amazing fit and drape, and best of all, support a good cause: Operation Quiet Hero. We donate at least 10% of our profit towards helping children injured in war zones. Right now we're working on bringing over a 12 year old girl from Iraq.
Sarah lost her eye in the same rocket attack that killed her family. Her face is scarred, and without help she doesn't have a chance of seeing all the beauty that those of us reading this blog enjoy every day.
Donations made to Operation Quiet Hero through the sales of our shirts will help pay for her visas, travel, and living expenses while she undergoes surgery in San Diego. We've got the doctors onboard to donate the surgery, now we need to connect the patient with the healers.
At Quiet Hero, we've decided to go beyond fashion and into compassion. That's our mission. Pretty plain, pretty simple, pretty clothes. If you'd like to help, you can spread the word and the website, www.quiethero.com.
Thanks for moving with us beyond clothing and into compassion.
Nik Hawks
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